The Emerald Ash Borer is a beetle which has killed hundreds of millions of ash trees in North America. Your ash trees WILL NOT survive this invasion.
Treatment is the ONLY option.
Our Services
Lance Tree Service, LLC, is an arborist & commercial pesticide applicator company certified in...
The treatment of trees affected by the Emerald Ash Borer.
The right fertilization strategy for your grass type.
Prevent pests or diseases from destroying shrubs & bushes.
Low maintenance solutions for curbside landscaping.
Our goal is to provide an integrated pesticide management solution to control tree and lawn pests.
I was certified as a commercial pesticide applicator in 1985, and I spent the majority of my treatment career working for a government utility. Upon my retirement, I started Lance Tree Service, LLC to provide commercial and residential pesticide solutions to St. Lawrence, Franklin, Clinton, Lewis, & Jefferson Counties.